Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tubal Recanalization

The word recanalization is just a fancy medical term for re-opening. Here, we are re-opening a woman’s fallopian tube. And why would we do that?

Tubal Recanalization

The ovaries release an egg, which moves into the fallopian tube. Here, the sperm travels to the fallopian tube and fertilizes the egg. Now, imagine if the fallopian tube is blocked. Even without an advanced degree you must be able to perceive that this could be a potential reason for infertility, and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. There are several cases where a simple procedure like Tubal Recanalization led to conception and a healthy baby.

There are numerous reasons for the blockage of the fallopian tube. A common cause is the build-up of debris. Scarring from any previous surgery can also cause a blockage in the fallopian tubes. There are also several infections that are known to cause a blockage.

There have been well-documented studies that show that the success rate of such a procedure is more than 90 percent and at-least one of the fallopian tubes will resume normal function after the procedure and close to 40 percent of women conceive as a result of the procedure.

If you or anyone you know would like to know more about Tubal Recanalization, please do get in touch by filling out your contact details on our website.

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Blog reviewed by:Dr Niraj Mahajan
Mail Us: gynecologistmumbai@gmail.com

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Medical Abortion of Pregnancy

Medical Abortion is a procedure done with the help of medications to end a pregnancy. It is a safer and most effective method during the first trimester of pregnancy, as it doesn't require any surgery or anesthesia. The reasons for having a medical abortion must include serious situations like rape, a mother's bad health, unplanned pregnancy, or an unhealthy child. 


In India, abortion is legal only if:
  • Continuing with the pregnancy poses any risk to the mental and physical health of the mother and the child.
  • The pregnancy is the result of rape
  • If the fetus undergoes any severe abnormalities
  • If failure of the contraception leads to an unplanned pregnancy
  • It is illegal to find the sex of the fetus and get an abortion if you and your family do not need a girl child.

How to prepare?
Your doctor will discuss your medical history and examine you. He may also suggest an ultrasound to determine how many weeks into the pregnancy you are, the size of your fetus, and also to make sure the pregnancy is not outside the womb.

Conduct a blood test to confirm if the patient is Rh-positive or negative. If negative, she will be given Rh immunoglobulin. If not, her body may develop antibodies that can cause allergy.
  • Do a urine test.
  • Check your overall health.

 Risks of Medical Abortion.

The major risks for medical abortion include:
  • An incomplete abortion, which may further need a surgical abortion
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Fever
  • Infection
  • Discomfort in your digestive system
The medications used in medical abortion can cause you vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping. They can also cause:
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrohea
  • Chills
  • Headache
During and after a medical abortion, you will be given medications to manage the pain. You may not immediately return to your day to day life as you will have bleeding and pain. You will need follow-up visits with your doctor to ensure that you are healing better. Your doctor will also analyze if you have any signs of infection. You will also be advised not to have vaginal intercourse or to use tampons for two weeks after the abortion. 

Dr. Niraj Mahajan, Gynecologist, and infertility specialists can help you with all your queries on Medical Abortion.


Blog reviewed by:Dr Niraj Mahajan
Mail Us: gynecologistmumbai@gmail.com