Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Different Types Of Ovarian Cysts And Their Treatment

Ovaries are the primary female reproductive organs located in the lower abdomen on both sides of the uterus. The primary function of the ovaries is to produce eggs as well as the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Studies reveal that most of the women in their reproductive age group who have regular menstrual cycle develop at least one ovarian cyst in their lifetime. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs formed on one of the ovaries due to hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle. In most cases, cysts are harmless, small and, cause no symptoms which resolve on their own within 2-3 menstrual cycles.


1) Functional cysts are the most common type of ovarian cysts that develop as part of the menstrual cycle and are usually harmless and short-lived. They almost always resolve without any treatment or surgery. These cysts can be either FOLLICLE CYST or CORPUS LUTEUM CYST.  They are formed due to accumulation of fluid and hormonal changes. Sonography and doctor's clinical correlation is usually enough to diagnose the condition. 

2) Pathological Cysts are not related to the normal function of the menstrual cycle and grow inside the ovaries. These cysts may be harmless or rarely malignant and in some instances, require immediate treatment.They consist of Dermoid cyst, Cystadenomas and Endometriomas.

Apart from the above cysts, some women develop a condition known as poly cystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) in which ovaries contain a large number of small cysts. If left untreated this condition leads to infertility


Most of the ovarian cysts are minor and do not cause any symptoms. The less common symptoms include and not limited to pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, nausea and, vomiting. Severe symptoms of ovarian cysts that require immediate attention include pelvic pain with fever, Dizziness and, rapid breathing, that might occur due to ovarian torsion (ovary twist) or rupture.


Most of the ovarian cysts resolve themselves without any surgery or medication. However, if a cyst does not resolve even after watchful observation of 3 months, The doctor might prescribe birth control pills to stop the development of new cysts or recommend surgery if the size of the cyst is large or unusual with recurrent symptoms.

There is no way to prevent ovarian cyst. However, keeping your weight under control and living stressful healthy lifestyle can help in preventing functional cysts and PCOD related cysts. For timely diagnosis and treatment of the cysts visit Dr.Niraj Mahajan, one of the  leading gynecologist, and laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai

Blog reviewed by:Dr Niraj Mahajan
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